+ What is Elderberry Wild Cider?
It is an elderberry health tonic infused with our favorite nature made ingredients.
+ How is Elderberry Wild Cider different from Elderberry Syrup?
We use cold pressed elderberry juice instead of dehyrdated berries. Because we do not use dried berries, we do not have to add water. Instead, we handcraft a health tonic with cold pressed Elderberry Juice, Apple Cider Vinegar, Cherry Juice, Manuka Honey, Lemon Juice and delicious mulling spices.
+ What ingredients do you use?
Elderberry Juice, Organic Apple Cider Vinegar, Organic Cherry Juice, Manuka Honey, Organic Lemon Juice and Organic Mulling Spices.
+ Why do you not use dried berries?
We LOVE the health benefits of fresh pressed juice. We choose fresh juice for the same reason you would choose orange juice or a green juice. You would not make orange juice by using dehydrated oranges and soaking them in water to create a beverage. Call us old fashion, but we prefer dried produce when we sip and enjoy a warm tea.
+ Where do you make your product?
We make our Elderberry Wild Cider in a commercial kitchen in Garland, Texas.
+ Do you use water in your product?
Absolutely not.
+ How do you grow elderberries?
We grow our elderberries on family land in East Texas. We never use pesticides, herbacides, funagicides or insecticides on our in our eldberry orchard. They only get sunshine, water, vitamins and lots of love from #yourfarmer.
+ Is Harvest Farmacy certified organic?
No, we are working on getting our certification, BUT we believe the Farm exceeds certified organic standards. We do not use pesticides, herbicides, insecticides or fungicides. Did you know certified organic products can still use pesticides? Our plants and soil thrive naturally with rain, sunshine and we support their health with vitamins and minerals as needed.
+ Is Elderberry Wild Cider Gluten Free?
While we do not use any gluten containing ingredients, we do manufacture our product in a commercial kitchen that processes gluten, because of this, we cannot claim that our product is 100% gluten free.
+ Are there other ways to use Elderberry Wild Cider?
Yes! We love taking a straight-up shot a day, but you can also add to your smoothies, use in dressings or even make a mocktail.
+ I am interested in buying in bulk for wholesale. Who should I contact?
Please reach out to Grace at grace@harvestfarmacy.com for bulk/wholesale options.