
We spent countless hours crafting the perfect combination of our favorite immune boosting ingredients (with elderberry being the star of course) and infusing just the right amount of spices to create our Elderberry Wild Cider.

Every ingredient has a purpose. Take a look below to learn more about why we chose each ingredient and what makes our Elderberry Wild Cider so unique.


Sambucus Canadensis
”The American Elderberry”

BENEFIT: Immune Support

Also referred to as a “super fruit,” Elderberries have been used for centuries to support the body’s natural defense system and encourage immune support. Rich in anthocyanins, elderberries have 2x more antioxidants than blueberries! Ingredient transparency is important to us and it’s the reason we decided to grow our own elderberries! We wanted to make sure we were able to maximize the benefits of the superfood by growing our own, insuring the quality and to have access to fresh berries for our elderberry wild cider.


Apple Cider Vinegar

BENEFIT: Supports Gut Health

Loaded with natural probiotics, Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) supports a healthy gut. We use organic, raw, unfiltered and unheated ACV to make sure we preserve the vital nutrients including live enzymes, acetic acid, amino acids, and antioxidants. Cheers to supporting your digestive health.


Tart Cherry Juice

BENEFIT: Antioxidant Health

Cherries contain powerful antioxidants that stem from anthocyanin flavonoids. They also support the body by encouraging a healthy inflammatory response. Loaded with antioxidants, cherries also help give your immune system a boost.


Lemon Juice

BENEFIT: Vitamin C

A citrus, Lemons are high in antioxidants, a good source of Vitamin C and may provide immune support.


Manuka Honey

BENEFIT: Anti-Bacterial

Sometimes referred to as the “Champagne” of honey, Manuka Honey is sourced from New Zealand and is produced by bees feeding on the nectar of the Manuka bush (tea tree family). Known to have anti-bacterial properties, Manuka is also commonly used topically to treat wounds.


Mulling Spices

BENEFIT: Soothing

We infuse our elderberry wild cider with a unique blend of mulling spices: cinnamon, cardamon, nutmeg, clove, all spice and star anise. Spices can help sooth digestion and improve your mood. Some say our blend tastes like “Christmas in your mouth.”